At Downham Market Academy we are fully inclusive for all students providing adaptations to the physical environment and learning opportunities as needed.

Students with additional needs are supported in a variety of ways to ensure they have equal opportunities to participate, engage and succeed in all aspects of school life. This includes making excellent academic progress and support to enjoy extra-curricular activities.  

We work closely with colleagues within school and also from local and national agencies to ensure access to support services is in place if required.  

High quality teaching, tailored to the needs of each individual enables the needs of most students to be met. However, for students with special educational needs or disabilities, additional planning, provision and tracking of progress will be put in place. We follow the “Assess, Plan, Do, Review” cycle set out within the SEN Code of Practice to ensure that any special educational needs are met appropriately allowing these students to excel. Additional needs are identified in school through data analysis, observation and liaison with other professionals. 

Working in partnership

At Downham Market Academy we believe that provision for students with SEND should be a co-production between the school, parents and the student. Communication between all stakeholders is imperative and we fully recognise the expertise parents offer in relation to their own children. Provision of a supportive learning environment is fundamental in enabling learners to make excellent academic progress and to develop personally in school. 

For students with Education & Health Care Plans at least yearly review meetings take place, in accordance with the Code of Practice, wherein the young person and their parent/carer are fully involved in discussions and decisions about the support and resources the young person needs.


We offer a significant range of additional provision and so can tailor our approach to meet the needs of individuals by providing personalised support and bespoke resourcing where required. 

Our offer includes: 

  • Access to some one-to-one support in lessons 
  • Access to some small groups across the curriculum 
  • Appropriate adaptations to the school curriculum 
  • Access to additional English and Maths at KS4 
  • Access to personal mentoring and life coaching 
  • Screening for dyslexic/dyscalculic tendencies 
  • Focused numeracy and/or literacy support for KS3 and KS4  
  • Whole staff training on particular SEND issues 
  • PSW training on particular SEND issues 
  • Access to family therapy, counselling, youth workers or mentoring via EHA process 
  • Support at times of transition (KS2-KS3, KS4-KS5) with additional visits, meeting with parents, liaison with key staff, PSW support during Year 6 New Intake, 16+ support to visit 16+ providers.  
  • Social time support before school and during break and lunch 
  • Access to specialist provision for assessment from EPSS, Virtual School for SEND, East Coast Community Healthcare 


The school site is adapted to ensure it is fully accessible for wheelchair users, those with mobility issues and visually impaired students. We have a lift, ramps, accessible toilets, space for physiotherapy sessions, specialist furniture including adapted chairs and equipment such as large scale calculators and keyboards, adapted tools and sports equipment. We welcome visitors; if you would like a tour of the school site please contact Reception to arrange a visit. 


At DMA all teachers are supported in meeting the needs of students with SEND; receiving regular CPD in areas such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia friendly classrooms and EAL. In addition to quality first teaching, we have a range of progress support workers who work with learners on a daily basis. The PSWs are a highly trained team offering expertise in areas such as literacy, numeracy, SEMH, autism and mental health. Regular training is offered to ensure our staff body is fully aware of current recommendations. 

Further information

If you feel that your child has special educational needs or a disability or that they require additional support with their learning please make an appointment with our SENDCo Jake Lawrence or Assistant SENDCo Bev Ireland.

If you have any complaints about the school arrangements for SEND please follow the complaints procedure found in our Policy Bank.

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