The School Day

Each "period" is 50 minutes long and most lessons are taught as a double period totalling 100 minutes. This means that the vast majority of students will have three lessons and a personal development or wellbeing session with their tutor each day.

  • Students must be in school between 8:50 and 3:00 every day.  In a typical week, this adds up to 31 hours in school.
8.00 onwardsStudents can arrive at the Academy
8.50Students must arrive by this time to ensure that personal development time can start promptly at 8:55
8.55 - 9.15Personal Development Time
9.15 - 10.05Period 1
10.05 - 10.55Period 2
10.55 - 11.10Break
11.10 - 12.00Period 3
12.00 - 12.50Period 4
12.50 - 1.25Lunch
1.25 - 2.15Period 5
2.15 - 3.05Period 6
3.05 - 3.15Students leave the site. Buses leave promptly at 3.15
3.05 - 4.00Extra curricular clubs (some run later)

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