Kickstart KS4: Explore, Learn, and Excel in Year 10!

In order to prepare you for starting your GCSE’s in September, your teachers have created some really interesting tasks for you to complete during the holidays.

The summer kickstart tasks range from subject to subject; there is investigating to be done for Science whilst in English you will be learning about life in the Victorian era.

All students should complete the kickstart tasks for English, Maths and Science. Each child will then need to complete the tasks for their chosen option subjects. For example, if you have chosen Music, French and History you would complete these along with the three core subjects mentioned above.

The kickstart tasks will help to prepare you for your first assessment in year 10, therefore it’s really important that you complete them and bring your work in on the first day back to school on Thursday 5th September.

Good luck and enjoy kickstarting your KS4!

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